
Shock on-air shake-up.

Shock on-air shake-up.

Red carpet rolled out as PCHF ambassador kids stun in radio station takeover.

Earlier this month, popular local breakfast radio hosts Pete and Kymba were replaced by a group of talented young up-and-coming announcers.   

The takeover sent shockwaves through the Perth radio industry – but it’s all for a good cause, in support of the annual PCHF Kid Takeover. 

The red carpet was rolled out for the six new presenters, who were given the celebrity treatment when they arrived at Mix 94.5 via limousine. They were greeted by a crowd of adoring fans before being ushered into the station for their very first on-air gig.

The PCHF Kid Takeover launch encouraged WA kids to step in and ‘run the show’ in a wide variety of situations, with the aim of raising funds and awareness for PCHF.  

Among the six PCHF ambassador kids taking part was 6-year-old Jordan, who was diagnosed with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) at age two.

A rare genetic respiratory condition that leads to chronic lung, ear and sinus infections, Jordan’s PCD diagnosis means he needs to attend Perth Children’s Hospital weekly for appointments.

Shannon, Jordan’s mum, said: “Something as simple as the common cold can land Jordan in hospital for two to three weeks. Like cystic fibrosis, PCD is incurable, and means as well as frequent infections, he may also require a lung transplant in the future.”

Jordan at Mix94.5 Kid Takeover

“Despite this, he is the happiest little boy, and is always thinking about others. He’s absolutely loved taking part in the PCHF Kid Takeover, he hasn’t stopped talking about it for weeks and has even changed his dream career from AFL player to radio star.”

Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation CEO Carrick Robinson said: “PCHF is closer to the frontline of children’s healthcare in WA than any other charity, and it is this closeness that sets us apart. We work directly with clinicians, patients and families right here on the ground at PCH, so that we can have the greatest impact on health outcomes for WA’s sick kids.

“This is why our annual PCHF Kid Takeover encourages everyone to take a look at the world through a child’s eyes. We are dedicated to making a world-class health system for our sick kids even better, so they have the best chance to get well, stay well and thrive in whatever path they choose to take on in future.

Mr Robinson added: “We are encouraging the WA community to get behind the PCHF Kid Takeover up until the end of June. To get involved, share a photo of a kid you know ‘taking over’ for the day (with permission of course!) and motivate friends, family, and your wider network to donate in support of those WA kids who need it most.”

Get involved or donate at the link here.

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