
Innovative equipment

and technology.

The Foundation on the frontline

We’re funding top-of-the-line equipment and technology

The Australian Government funds Perth Children’s Hospital to be an outstanding, world-class hospital; but it’s up to us to take the Hospital that extra mile. One way we do that is by funding innovative medical equipment and technology.

The field of medical technology is an ever-evolving one. Working closely with the Hospital and grant applicants, Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation identifies the most urgent equipment needs of the Hospital.

Through our generous donors and supporters we ensure Perth Children’s Hospital is provided with leading edge equipment that improves diagnosis and treatment outcomes, enables the ability to perform surgeries that would not have been possible, shortens waiting periods for families and allows for a better standard of paediatric care.

If you’d like to apply for a grant to fund innovative equipment and technology, click here.

innovative equipment and technology
Smileyscope - VR Goggles

Helping to reduce the anxiety of hospital visits

For many children, coming to hospital isn’t a happy memory. Very often the procedures of operations that will help them, can also cause real distress, not only for the children themselves, but also for their parents and the medical staff caring for them.

Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation are funding the use of virtual realist (VR) technology to support patients as a potential mechanism to reduce pain and anxiety for paediatric medical procedures. The idea being, that when children can be immersed in a virtual world, they can be engaged and relaxed and this will reduce anxiety and fear… read more.

More innovative equipment and technology

Just chilling: Improved cooling equipment for at-risk newborns.

New state-of-the-art cooling equipment at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) is helping more WA newborns affected by lack of oxygen during birth to access life-changing ...
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The face-mapping technology making neurosurgery safer, more accurate.

Electromagnetic navigation software provides real-time guidance for surgeons at PCH operating on kids aged 2 years and under. New electromagnetic (EM) navigation technology is providing ...
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Perth Children's Hospital Senior Dietitian Tamara Farrell using new indirect calorimetry device

Tailored nutrition improves recovery for kids in critical care.

Meet two-year-old Hailey, an incredible little fighter who was first admitted to Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) over three months ago with severe burns. As a ...
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