
Meet our ambassadors.

The Foundation on the frontline

We stand shoulder to shoulder with patients, families, researchers, nurses and clinicians.

The Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation Ambassador Program exists to share the inspiring stories of the patients and families of Perth Children’s Hospital.  These stories recognise the bravery and resilience of our families, inform Foundation supporters of the world-class research, equipment, expertise and training and positive patient experiences we fund and promote the ongoing efforts of the hospital to care for the sick kids of WA.

Learn more about our Ambassador Program.

We recognise that every family’s story is unique. When asking our donors for funds for complex medical equipment, ground-breaking research, world class expertise and training and positive patient experiences, hearing the stories of families who are benefitting is a very powerful tool. By sharing your story you can help us to:

  • Provide real examples of how the money we raise is put to use to encourage further corporate and community support for WA’s world class paediatric hospital.
  • Help other families who are undergoing medical issues who may feel alone and afraid of what the future may hold.

What does being an Ambassador involve?

We are mindful of the time pressures for families – especially those facing medical challenges with their children. You can be involved in as much or as little as you like!

We would love to have a chat about your family’s journey so we can tell your story. Personal photos of your child’s journey to accompany your story are very powerful, so we may ask you for some.

We may also organise a professional photographer and/or videographer to take some beautiful pictures or video of your child and family to use with the story. During this photo/video shoot, we may ask you to interact with your clinicians or record your child undergoing treatment here in the hospital.

See examples below of the type of images and stories that we use. 

There are a range of platforms that stories can be used for, including fundraising campaigns and proposals, media, the Foundation website, Annual Report, social media, marketing collateral (such as posters), and profiles for specific pieces of equipment.

You may be asked to speak at events, be an Ambassador spokesperson for an event or appeal or appear on marketing collateral as the face/story of a Foundation campaign.

Our Stories.

Perth Children's Hospital Foundation
Meet The Kids

Meet Andie

For most of her life, Andie’s family didn’t know why the left side of her body was larger than her right and why she had facial and dental abnormalities, along with vision and hearing impairment. It was through global collaboration that doctors finally received the diagnosis of an extremely rare condition, RHOA related mosaic ectodermal

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Perth Children's Hospital Foundation
Meet The Kids

Meet Sam

When Sam and his twin brother, Brody, were born, his mum and dad suspected something was not quite right. Sam displayed the features of spinal kyphosis, curvature of the spine. After visits to a succession of health professionals, blood tests revealed Sam’s condition, MPS1. The lack of a certain enzyme causes a build-up in the

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Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Christmas Appeal
Meet The Kids

Help kids like Maddy fight cancer this Christmas.

Maddy was only seven when she was diagnosed with leukaemia. Within days of her GP referring her for tests, Maddy was at Perth Children’s Hospital, starting chemotherapy. Hearing your child has cancer is something every parent dread. But that was just the beginning for Maddy and her family. Unfortunately, with her immune system weakened by

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Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Christmas Appeal
Meet The Kids

Help kids like Sam fight cancer this Christmas.

Sam’s mum Kelly was completely heartbroken when she heard the news that her little boy was diagnosed with leukaemia at just 2 years old. With his type of leukaemia, Sam has gone through six stages of treatment. From steroids twice a day to chemotherapy every day. During Sam’s intense treatment at Perth Children’s Hospital he

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Perth Children's Hospital Foundation Christmas Appeal
Meet The Kids

Help kids like Imogen fight cancer this Christmas.

Just after Imogen was born, her mum Rachel and dad Russ received the devastating news that doctors had found some physical abnormalities and wanted to do genetic testing. They’ll never forget hearing that their precious new baby daughter had a serious and life-threatening disorder. But one of the hardest things was being told she would

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Perth Children's Hospital Foundation
Meet The Kids

Lareia’s Story

Lareia was born with Biliary Atresia, a condition in infants where the bile ducts inside and outside the liver are scarred and blocked. Bile can’t flow through into the intestine, so bile builds up in the liver causing damage. The most effective treatment for this condition is a liver transplant. First time parents Elyse and

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